Immortalizing Memories

Monday 19 December 2022

Memories of Twenty Twenty-Two (Little things matter)

Welcome to adulthood. 

I know. People are always surprised to see that there are actually people who still blogs. Well.. that's my own tradition though I don't really have as much time as I used to have to write down all my thoughts and everything in my life. But some things never change; I still love writing and journaling. It keeps me sane and let me reflect on what had happened in a day. And of course, I can't afford to lose those memory one day where my brain would failed me. Yours truly is still a memory keeper ;) 

My phone decided to function abnormally months back and it's where I started to panic about every single thing that I kept in it. The overwhelming photos and documents suddenly seem to become so important. Sometimes I thought, when am I going to go through each of them, one by one and look back into the photos again. Or, are they just going to stay in my phone forever without serving any purpose? That's when I started to slowly reorganize my photos as much as possible.

I won't be able to write long like how I used to do. Many of the things that I mentioned here might sound unimportant to you readers. But to me, these little things made my day meaningful and important. 

So here it is, my 2022 in a nutshell. (it could have been longer)

Things to be grateful for in 2022

  1. Can't be more grateful to be working in a place filled majority with kind and helpful people. I have met great souls whom have helped and supported me mentally and in every way.
  2. Learning to use a little makeup. And oh, it's fun but I'm still learning.
  3. To have a roof on top of me, have food in front of me, having a place for me to sleep.
  4. Being able to get the things I want all by myself.
  5. Enjoying my own solitude and doing things alone so much it that it becomes so comfortable.
  6. The callus on my fingertip.
  7. Incorporating music into my life.
  8. Having 2 aging mischievous dogs.
  9. Having friends (don't need many of them) that you could talk to and support each other.
  10. Prioritizing my happiness and health over anything else. 
  11. Standing up for myself when I need to.
  12. My age.
  13. Picking up a  string instrument.
  14. Still a vegetarian. I don't know how far I can go but I will do it as much as I can.
  15. Finding what suits me best by trying everything.
  16. Appreciating aesthetics.
  17. Not to be bothered by destructive thoughts and things.
  18. Accepting my own real feelings, be it good or bad and move on.
  19. Sparkjoy-ed my room, life and people.

Some things listed here might seem like a mere trifle to people. But to me, little things matter. Little things, in fact made up my whole life.

Also some other simple pleasure of....

January: Growing Flowers

Yours truly has always been fascinated by plants and flowers. Decided to plant my own flower from a seed and watched it grow everyday. It takes roughly 3 months for a sunflower to its full bloom.
You might not like planting flowers but please don't tell me you don't like them. 

P/s: Ironically, sunflowers are not my favourite flowers. I would prefer some other flowers but I just can't plant them with our season here 😪


Baked vegan cakes for different occasions and making simple days a little less dull with some simple set-ups for celebrations (eg: Mother's day). 

April: A Spontaneous Getaway

Took candid photos at Sekinchan with the mesmerizing scenery. I would admit with no shame that I really love taking photos 😂 

and also visited the wishing tree!

May: Attempted a 21-day Vegan Challenge and Preparing Homemade Food
Yes. And to my utter surprise, my cholesterol level dropped tremendously.
Other than the 21-day challenge, I tried as much as possible to prepare my own food at home. Definitely not gonna deny that it takes up so much time and effort just to prepare a meal to feast the eyes first, then only the tummy. 

P/s: Check out more at my IG account: @eatwithyinnsu

Staying Active

Explored different classes to see which suits me best! Attempted yoga, pilates, muay thai and HIITS. Tried to keep myself physically active no matter how busy life gets (sometimes).  Laid my eyes especially onto this aesthetically-pleasing studio 😍 

July: Picking up a String Instrument 

After a hard day, sometimes all you need is an outlet to relieve your stress. Yeah I don't mind starting from baby steps. You are never too old to learn anything that you want to do in your life! I was once bothered by the fact that I would develop these hard calluses on my fingertips but I have started to embrace them as part of myself now 😂

Spending some time with the Furry kids

As we grow older, so are they. Featuring manja boi here:

Finding out what suits me

From apparel to shoes and everything else; you will never know what  suits you until you go out there and try. Never try never know. My simple rule of thumb; when in doubt, go back and sleep. If you can't move on, buy it! 😂 You don't wanna end up with clothes piling in your wardrobe end up not wearing them. Still trying to be a minimalist and at the same time getting only things that I really need.

Still Running

And hiking (well, sometimes). Heh. Pardon my sleepy look

November: Inked my finger

Yes. For a very important matter.

and Got a Henna

And of course taking a picture with it. Just love it!! 😁

December: Got my Helix Piercing

Have always wanted one so badly and I'm glad I made it! :)

My work

Glad to be able to do something that I still enjoy even if it's just "work". 

Of course I wouldn't be able to list down everything that I have been through this year. There are so many things I'm grateful for in the year of 2022 and I believe there will be more exciting journey coming in 2023. With fingers-crossed!

You will be surprised by how you look in the younger days in another next few more decades. There's absolutely no harm in taking pictures of yourself. We can't stop aging, but at least we have been through the young times and we're fortunate that there's technology to immortalise our look and memories. 

Thank you 2022 for the wonderful year. 12 more days to a whole new year! 



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