Immortalizing Memories

Saturday 19 May 2018

Homemade Overnight Oats

Due to some request, I decided to share my personal recipe with you readers! If you've tried it, I would love to hear feedbacks from you too! Enjoy the process and may this recipe motivate you to eat healthier everyday. Namaste!

Homemade Overnight oats Recipe

You'll need:
  • Mason jar/ any glass jar with a cap
  • some patience while waiting for your oats to be ready to be eaten ;)

  • Instant oats
  • Milk
  • Chia Seeds
  • Yogurt
  • Biscuit (Optional,and I used raisin biscuits)
  1. Take around 3-4 spoonful of oats into your jar.
  2. Pour in milk until it fills up the oats.
  3. Layer it with some chia seeds.
  4. Put in another layer of oats on top of the chia seeds.
  5. Repeat step no.2.
  6. Put in a piece of biscuit. You can crumble it into pieces first before putting in.
  7. Last layer, my favourite. Scoop some yogurt of your favourite flavour into your jar.
  8. And voilaaaa. Chill it in your fridge and enjoy it the very next morning :)

You are not alone

Of all chaos,
I'm grateful.

Of all blames,
I'm grateful.

Of all changes,
I'm grateful.

Of what I can't control,
I'm grateful.

Of all loss,
I'm grateful.

Grateful to have all the ups and downs in my life.

Don't let the downs crumble you.

I know you have seen your loved ones left before you;
I know you have seen betrayal before your eyes;
I know you have heard unpleasant things with your own ears;
I know you have been taken for granted;
I know you have been blamed for the wrongdoings of others.

the law of conservation of energy states that:

energy can neither be created nor destroyed, rather it can only be transformed from one form to another.

Imma just gonna convert the bad energy anyway.